Interview devoted to the facts Mr. Smith finds most interesting about the Saginaw Valley, and the aspects of education he thinks are important in teaching the history of the Saginaw Valley.
Interview devoted to the development along West Genesee Ave., Mr. Arthur Eddy's involvement in the development of the city of Saginaw, Mr. Eddy's different interests in the city, and the other people responsible for the city of Saginaw.
Interview devoted to general information and background of Mr. Schindehette including his early boat building experiences during the early 1900's and his ownership of the Republic Hotel until approximately 1965.
Interview devoted to the following topics: Italian immigrant parents in Saginaw at the turn of the century; life as a boy in the second decade of the 20th century; what Saginaw was like during the 1920's and 1930's; prohibition and its repeal.
Interview devoted to the following topics: the purpose of establishing settlements in Michigan; comparing religious bonds among Lutherans of yesterday and today; the difference between synods and the turmoil in the Missouri synod; the founding of St.…
Interview devoted to early Mercantilism in downtown Saginaw, contrasted to Merchandising downtown during the 1970s, and the impact of Urban Renewal on the Saginaw area.
Interview devoted to participation in the Saginaw City Council and on the Saginaw County Board of Commissioners and the development and the affects of the Commission on the residents of Saginaw County.
Interview devoted to the following topics: coal miners wages compared to other industries; definitions of jobs and machinery at the mine; names, locations, and operation of Bay City area mines; labor problems, mine safety, and health conditions;…