Browse Items (144 total)

Part of the second draft of the outline for the book Eye of the Needle. 

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The outline for the first draft of a book entitled Storm Island. The book would be published under the title Eye of the Needle.

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Editorial notes written by Ken Follett regarding the first episode of The Numbers Man. The series was never produced.

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A revised draft of the script for "Sheik, Rattle, and Roll," which was to be episode one of The Numbers Man.

Position: 140 (1 views)

This document is the second draft of a television screenplay for a proposed television show The Numbers Man. The series was never made.

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The script to episode one (entitled "Sheik, Rattle, and Roll) of The Numbers Man. 

Position: 139 (73 views)

A pitch for the television series entitled The Numbers Man. The pitch includes a summary of the characters in the series and six episodes. The series was never made.

Position: 136 (81 views)

This is a draft of a pitch for a television series entitled The Numbers Man. Included in the pitch are summaries about the characters in the series and summaries for six episodes. 

Position: 137 (79 views)

An outline for the first episode of the proposed television show The Numbers Man. The episode's title was "Sheik, Rattle, and Roll." The series was never made.

Position: 135 (98 views)

Supplemental notes regarding Follett's proposed television series The Numbers Man.

Position: 137 (79 views)

A full script for an episode of the BBC crime show Target. 

Position: 129 (119 views)

A rewrite of a scene for the script of the BBC crime show Target. The episode aired 13 October 1978. 

Position: 131 (111 views)

The fourth draft of the script for an episode of the BBC crime show Target. The episode aired on 13 October 1978.

Position: 134 (108 views)

The third script to an episode of the BBC crime drama Target. The episode aired 13 October 1978.

Position: 132 (109 views)

The first draft of an episode for the BBC crime drama Target. It aired 13 October 1978.

Position: 132 (109 views)

The first draft of an episode for the BBC crime drama Target. 

Position: 123 (142 views)

The final version of the screen play for "The Ups and Downs of a Soccer Star"

Position: 128 (126 views)

Part 2 of a draft of "The Ups and Downs of a Soccer Star"

Position: 129 (119 views)

A draft of the screenplay for the proposed film 'The ups and downs of a Soccer Star.'

Position: 118 (148 views)

A-145 David Avedisian (full recording).mp3
Interview devoted to Mr. Avedisian's tenure with the Saginaw Eddy Band, the Eddy Band in general and other related subjects.

Position: 42 (200 views)

A-144 George W. Anderson (full recording).mp3
Interview devoted to the Eddy band of which George W. Anderson was the director.

Position: 40 (203 views)

A-143A Jesse Falk.mp3
Interview devoted to the making of baskets.

Position: 51 (186 views)

A-142B Inez Thayer.mp3
Interview devoted to being a housewife and why she moved to Vassar, Michigan from Detroit.

Position: 45 (194 views)

A-141A Harry McCartney.mp3
Interview dedicated to following topics: early gas stations; early housework; progress; the Great depression

Position: 40 (203 views)

A-140A Steven Smith.mp3
Interview devoted to the facts Mr. Smith finds most interesting about the Saginaw Valley, and the aspects of education he thinks are important in teaching the history of the Saginaw Valley.

Position: 37 (212 views)

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